Why am I walking the South West Coast Path?


This blog is to document my journey on the SWCP. 

I'm in my early 30s and currently spend my spare time reading, playing games, meeting friends and playing volleyball (badly). I've always enjoyed being outdoors but wouldn't describe myself as outdoorsy.  During the COVID-19 pandemic I found myself walking on the numerous footpaths on my doorstep that I've barely used in the last 8 years I've lived here, and feeling so restored and content. I've clearly got to an age where I enjoy a view and a walk! 

I think the relaxing effect of nature is more pronounced since working from home, as it provides a lovely break from the laptop screen and MS Teams calls.

I've always been interested in the coast path, and have walked little bits over the years via holidays to Devon and Cornwall but it was listening to podcasts and watching youtube videos that introduced the idea of thru hiking to me. Something about the concept really appealed and as someone who adores the coast, the coast path called to me. Yes I'd love to do the PCT but that dream felt a little too big for now and trickier in a pandemic.

Sadly I'm not currently in a position where I can thru hike the whole path in one go anytime soon so I'd filed the path into the "One Day" category. However, "One Day" felt too flimsy and I decided not to wait for someone to walk with, or a big block of time, and just get started! I didn't want to look back and regret that I didn't do what I wanted.

So section hiking it was, and perhaps I'll do it all at some point, but sections is better than never!

Once I'd made this decision I jumped into the planning in earnest and booked myself a 4 day trip to see whether I actually enjoyed the walking and how well my body held up to multi day walks. I knew I wanted to do the path in order so Minehead to Ilfracombe was to be the test trip.

The other reason for wanting to walk was to do something just for me, and by myself. I've reached my 30s without ever having been on a trip by myself (other than a work trip and that doesn't count). I've travelled alone on trains/planes etc but always met someone at the destination. This was to be my first adventure on my own! I wanted to learn to be ok with eating alone in a restaurant and to be fully in charge of my decisions, and not rely on others.
